Despite an abundance of media options, Detroit radio reaches the most consumers every week.
According to Nielsen, every week 2.8 million adults tune in to their favorite Detroit stations. This is more than watch local TV stations, cable, or streaming video. It is more than browse social media. It is more than listen to streaming audio services or podcasts. It is more than read local newspapers.
Not all listening to Detroit radio happens on car radios, table-top radios, or boom boxes. Instead, local consumers also use their smartphones, computers, and tablets as a way to connect to their favorite local stations.
Neilsen finds that 23.3% of all consumers who listen to a Detroit radio station over the air will, at some point during the month, also connect to a local station via the internet. As a matter of fact, during a typical hour, Nielsen data suggests that 7.7% of a station's total audience is listening on a device other than a traditional receiver.