
Metro Detroit Retail Boom: How Your Small Business Can Benefit

Feb 29, 2020 8:02:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Advertising In Tampa Retail SalesRetailers in Southeast Michigan rang-up $78,314,821,000 in retail sales last year, according to Nielsen. But wait. It's about to get better.

The National Retail Federation forecasts that in 2020, sales will increase by as much as 4.1%. This will create another $3.2 billion for local small business owners.  

“The economy is growing at a more modest pace, but the underlying economic fundamentals remain in place and are positive,” stated NRF chief economist Jack Kleinhenz. “Consumers remain upbeat and have the confidence to spend, and the steady wage growth that has come with the strong job market is fueling their spending. The state of the consumer is very healthy.

To claim a fair share of this enlarged pool of spending will require Metro Detroit small business owners to advertise.

“Think you have a great product?” asks the U.S. Small Business Administration. “Unfortunately, no one’s going to know about it unless you advertise.”  

The SBA goes on to say, “Advertising, if done correctly, can do wonders for your product sales, and you know what that means: more revenue and more success for your business."

Advertise In Detroit: Success GuideA study by Nielsen of effective advertising campaigns revealed that reach was the media element that produced  the greatest lift in sales. Reach is defined as the number of different people who are exposed to an advertiser's message.

Of all media options available to Southeast Michigan retailers, the best way to achieve reach is by advertising on local radio.

Every week, over 90% of all adult consumers tune-in to a Detroit radio station. This is significantly more than are reached by local TV, social media, newspaper, or streaming media sites like Pandora and Spotify.

Advertise In Detroit

This is especially true among the millennials in Metro Detroit, who account for 30% of all retail spending. Despite some misconceptions, local radio reaches more members of this generation every week than all other media.

Advertise in Detroit Millennials

If a local retailer owner chooses not to advertise, then they do so at considerable financial peril. Based on business category, here is how many more dollars Detroit consumers will spend this year versus last year:

  •  Furniture & Household Appliance Stores: $48,698,720
  •  Radio, TV & Other Electronics Stores: $50,074,960
  •  Department Stores: $81,321,960
  •  Clothing & Accessories: $135,685,800
  •  Building & Material Supply: $192,290,360
  •  Health & Personal Care: $208,508,960
  •  Grocery Stores: $286,782,720
  •  Food Services & Drinking Establishments: $346,523,560
  •  Food & Beverage Stores: $361,116,240
  •  General Merchandise: $440,656,600
  •  Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers: $774,013,080

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Topics: small business, millennials, small business owner, television advertising, radio advertising, best way to advertise, reach, consumer spending, social media advertising, facebook advertising, pandora, spotify, digital advertising, newspaper advertising, online advertising, retail, store traffic, retailer, retail sales

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