
Small Business Advice: 5 Facts About Advertising On Detroit Radio

Dec 17, 2020 9:04:04 AM / by Larry Julius

Advertising In Detroit: Advice

On August 20, 1920 at 8:15pm, the Detroit News, owner of radio station 8MK, began broadcasting. The broadcast originated from the second floor of the newspaper's headquarters on Lafayette Boulevard.

The historic programming that night began with station operator Frank Edwards declaring, "this is 8MK calling." This was followed by the playing of 78 rpm records on a borrowed phonograph. The first selections played were two of the most popular songs of the World War One era,  "Roses of Picardy" and "Annie Laurie".

The historic broadcast concluded with a salesman from the newspaper's advertising department playing "Taps".

For 100 years, Southeast Michigan small business owners have depended on local radio stations to successfully market their goods and services through depressions, recessions, wars, and natural disasters. Even now, during a pandemic, advertising on Detroit radio remains a dependable way to make cash registers ring.

Here are five facts every Detroit Small business owner needs to know about local radio in 2020.

1. Detroit Radio Reach More Adult Consumers Every Week Than All Other Media

Each week, according to Nielsen, more local consumers tune-in to local radio than watch Detroit television, connect to cable-TV, read the newspaper, browse social media, or listen to streaming audio sites like Facebook and Instagram.

Advertising In Detroit Media Reach 2020 (r2)

2. Local Radio Reaches More Detroit Millennials Every Week Than All Other Advertising Options

The millennial generation now accounts for over 30% of every retail dollar spent in Southeast Michigan.  This generation was the first to inject online and digital options into their daily media usage. Local radio still reaches more members of this age group than all other advertising options available to Metro Detroit small business owners.

Advertising In Detroit Millennials (Dec20)

Advertise In Detroit: Success Guide

3. The Time Consumers Spend Listening To Detroit Radio Is Little Changed From One Year Ago

The onset of the Coronavirus pandemic has created significant changes in the media, work, mobility, commuting, shopping, and lifestyle habits of local consumers.  Something that has not changed, though, is the length of time adults spend listening to Detroit radio every day. 

Advertise On Detroit Radio Time Spent Listening (dec20)

4. Detroit Radio Has The Greatest Reach Among College-Educated Consumers

There are 990,800 adults in the Metro Detroit area who have earned a four-year college or postgraduate degree, according to research from Nielsen. A study from the Federal Reserve indicates that these educated consumers have been least affected by the economic consequences of the pandemic, and they have money to spend now.

Advertising In Detroit Reaching Educated Consumers

5. Advertising On Detroit Radio Is The Best Way To Reach Online Shoppers

Detroit shoppers are expected to spend a record $10.9 billion online in 2020, based on the most recent projections from eMarketer. This would represent year-over-year growth of 32.4%.

During the same period, according to eMarketer, receipts at brick-and-mortar stores have contracted by 3.2%.  Overall, excluding gas and auto sales, e-commerce will account for 20.6% of all retail sales this year.

By any measure, the best way to reach local online consumers is by advertising on Detroit radio.

Last week, for instance, local radio reached significantly more online shoppers than all other local media including, Detroit TV, cable, newspaper, or social media.

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Topics: small business, small business owner, radio advertising, best way to advertise, online advertising, advertise on radio, small business marketing, small business advertising, time spent listening, advertise on detroit radio, online shopping

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