
Advertising In Detroit: Five Amazing Facts About Local Radio

Jul 23, 2021 9:21:23 AM / by Larry Julius

Advertising is crucial to the success of Southeast Michigan business owners. According to Investopedia, "lack of adequate marketing and publicity are among the issues that drag down small business".

According to Borrell Associates, a company that tracks advertising trends across the country, Detroit business owners are expected to spend $2 billion to advertise the goods and services they sell. This represents an 8.0% increase versus last year.

The majority of these dollars are being spent by Detroit business owners to capture a significant share of the $63 billion dollars local consumers will be spending this year. These estimates are based on a revised forecast from the National Retail Federation (NRF).

Of course, there is an over-abundance of ways a local business owner can advertise. Perhaps the best way to generate sales from local consumers is with Detroit radio. Here are the top five reasons why...

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Topics small business, millennials, small business owner, radio advertising, best way to advertise, reach, reach and frequency, return on investment, detroit news, advertising reach, small business marketing, small business advertising, radio commercials, millennial parents, time spent listening

Advertising In Detroit: Top 5 Articles From 2020

Dec 8, 2020 2:26:12 PM / by Larry Julius

As the pandemic rages on, advertising is no longer a luxury for the 158,000  small businesses in the Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI Metro Area metro area   Advertising has become a tool for survival.
As cash becomes precious, though, Detroit area small business owners and retailers need to ensure that every dollar spent  on advertising has a significant effect on sales.
To make the best advertising choices, thousands of local business owners have sought advice and direction from www.AdvertiseInDetroit.Com.  Here is a recap of the top 5 articles read on the site during 2020.
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Topics television, small business, small business owner, television advertising, radio advertising, newspaper advertising, detroit news, pay-TV, cable TV, small business marketing, small business advertising, OTT, CTV, SVOD, AVOD, 2020

Advertising in Detroit: The Radio Century

Aug 20, 2020 7:02:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Detroit radio reaches more area adults every week than any other medium. During a typical seven-day period, according to Nielsen, 3.1 million local consumers tune-in to their favorite AM and FM stations. This is significantly more than those who watch broadcast television, subscribe to pay-TV, browse social media, read a newspaper, or stream music from Pandora and Spotify.

Radio's omnipresence in the life of Southeast Michigan consumers is remarkable considering today is the medium's 100th birthday.

On this day in 1920 at 8:15pm, the Detroit News, owner of radio station 8MK, began broadcasting. The broadcast originated from the second floor of the newspaper's headquarters on Lafayette Boulevard.

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Topics radio advertising, best way to advertise, return on investment, detroit news, advertise on radio, advertising reach, radio commercials, radio history

Advertising On Detroit Radio Remains Best Option During Corona Crisis

Apr 15, 2020 5:48:59 PM / by Larry Julius

The chaos created in Southeast Michigan by the onset of Coronavirus has been a disruptive force among consumers. 

Work routines, buying habits, family life, and media consumption have all been palpably affected. These are all factors that need to be considered by small business owners who continue to advertise their goods and services during the crisis.

Before the current chaos, advertising on Detroit radio, by any metric, was the best way a local small business could advertise.

For instance, pre-Coronavirus, 2.9 million adult consumers tuned-in to a Metro Detroit radio station every week. This is significantly more than watched local TV, read a newspaper, accessed social media, or streamed audio from sites like Pandora and Spotify.

New research released from Nielsen indicates that amidst the current crisis, listening to local radio remains little changed. This is great news for those Michigan small business owners who are depending on advertising for their long-term survival.

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Topics small business, small business owner, television advertising, radio advertising, best way to advertise, social media advertising, facebook advertising, newspaper advertising, online advertising, detroit news, corona, coronavirus, covid 19, crisis marketing

Advertising In Detroit Newspapers vs. Local Radio

Mar 4, 2020 7:10:00 AM / by Larry Julius

There were a lot of 'firsts' in Southeast Michigan on voting day of 1920.  It was the first time, ever, women could participate in the selection of the U.S. President. It was also the first time live election results were broadcast on the radio. Not to mention, it was also the day of the first radio broadcast, ever.

The voters' choice that night was between Warren G. Harding  and James M. Cox.  Both men had derived their political power as successful newspaper publishers.  It is quite ironic, then, that one of these men would reach the highest office in the land on the same night that the nascent radio broadcasting business began its takedown of the newspaper industry.

Nowhere is this takedown more apparent than locally, where Detroit radio has become, by far, the advertising medium with the largest reach among local consumers.

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Topics small business owner, radio advertising, best way to advertise, reach, newspaper advertising, Free Press, detroit news

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