
Advertising On Detroit Radio: The 3 Frequency Myth

Aug 18, 2021 2:51:14 PM / by Larry Julius

Every week, according to Nielsen, Detroit radio reaches 2.8 million adult consumers. This is significantly more people than are reached by local TV, cable, social media, streaming video, streaming audio, or newspapers.

Because of its humongous reach, area small business owners advertise on Detroit radio to successfully market the products and services they sell.

Many first-time advertisers on Detroit radio will ask how many times a consumer needs to hear a commercial before they become a customer.  Often the business owner is told that to be effective, a consumer needs to be exposed to a message three times before they will buy.  Unfortunately, this prescription for a three-time frequency is more myth than substance.

A study by Nielsen provides some data-based insights about effective frequency, But first, here's the origin of the mythological rule of three.

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Topics small business, frequency, small business owner, reach, reach and frequency, advertising reach, small business marketing, small business advertising, effective advertising, effective frequency

Reclaim 'Top Of Mind' When Your Detroit Small Business Re-Opens

May 1, 2020 12:54:08 PM / by Larry Julius

Business was booming in Detroit. Then it was not.

Before the chaos brought on by Coronavirus, it had been predicted, based on estimates from the National Retail Federation, Detroit area consumers would spend 4.1% more in 2020 than they did in 2019. On March 23, however, when Michigan's Governor shut down the state, the expectations of growth for many small business owners were replaced with fights for survival.

As the state prepares to reopen, Metro Detroit small businesses will learn that turning the lights back on and hanging out the welcome sign might not be enough to bring even the most loyal customers back.

Some customers will not return because of personal safety concerns. Other customers may have discovered alternative sources to purchase goods and services.

More likely, though, customers will not come back because a business has lost a valued parcel of real estate: the position at the top of a customer's mind. This is the place where purchase decisions are made.

There is a way to regain top-of-mind status. First, though, it's important to understand why a business can be forgotten so quickly. 

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Topics small business, frequency, small business owner, radio advertising, best way to advertise, advertising recall, top of mind, corona, coronavirus, covid 19, recall, top of mind awareness, recency

What Is The Best Way To Advertise In Detroit?

Feb 25, 2020 3:56:45 PM / by Larry Julius

If you don't have time to read this entire article, then I will tell you right now. The best way to advertise in Southeast Michigan is on Detroit radio.

An essential function of advertising is to compel consumers to take action regarding a specific product or service.

Consumers in the Detroit Metro area are expected to spend at least $78.3 billion at retail this year. To claim a greater share of this giant pool of cash requires local business owners of every size to advertise their goods and services. As Professor Jef Richards at Michigan State University points out, “Advertising is totally unnecessary…unless you want to make money."

The bottom line: It is difficult for anyone in Metro Detroit to purchase a product or service from a local business if they aren’t aware it exists.

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Topics frequency, radio advertising, best way to advertise, reach, consumer spending, reach and frequency, advertising recall, top of mind

Advertising On Detroit Television vs. Local Radio

Feb 24, 2020 7:18:22 PM / by Larry Julius

There is alarming news for small business owners who advertise on Detroit television stations: broadcast TV viewers are disappearing at a rapid pace.

Nielsen reports that halfway through the first quarter of this year, the number of people using television has dropped 7.5%. This compares to -6.3% in the fourth quarter of 2019, and -7.0% a year ago,

"If the trend holds, it would represent the largest quarterly decline for TV viewership in our data set," explains UBS analyst John C. Hodulikadding. "Trends have worsened across most age demos with persons 25-34 now falling -17% vs. low double-digit declines throughout 2019. The persons 55+ demo continues to trend down -2%, similar to 2019 (the first year of declining ratings for the demo)."

Radio listenership, on the other hand, has remained quite stable, according to Nielsen. Since 1970, the medium has reached more than 9-in-10 consumers every week.

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Topics television, small business, millennials, media usage, frequency, small business owner, television advertising, radio advertising, best way to advertise, reach, consumer spending, branding, generation y, generation x

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