
What Marketers Need To Know About Advertising on Detroit Radio

Apr 21, 2023 3:18:41 PM / by Larry Julius

According to Nielsen, 2,804,826 adults tune in to their favorite Detroit radio stations every week. This is significantly more consumers than are reached by all other advertising-supported media, including local TV, local cable, streaming video, social media, online audio, and local newspapers.

Detroit radio's unchallenged reach is why many local business owners depend on the medium to capture the largest possible share of the $88.4 billion dollars consumers are expected to spend at retail this year.

Other local small business owners, however, may be surprised to learn that by most marketing metrics, radio remains the best way to advertise in Detroit.

Here are four more facts about AM/FM radio that may surprise many local marketers.

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Topics television, television advertising, radio advertising, best way to advertise, streaming audio, cable TV, in-car audio, CTV, local television, how to advertise, am/fm radio

Advertise In Detroit: Top 5 Articles Of 2022

Dec 12, 2022 5:10:52 PM / by Larry Julius

For Southeast Michigan area consumers, the past twelve months have been, to say the least, frenzied.  The year has been plagued with inflation, recession fears, coronavirus, mid-term elections, and geo-political drama. It seems, however, that these coinciding crises have not tempered consumer spending as local shoppers are on track to spend a record $68.8 billion at retail. 
What has changed during 2022, however, is how adults in the Detroit area consume media and how local business owners are marketing their goods and services to these shoppers.
To research the changing consumer and media landscape in Detroit, many local business owners have found the articles posted at helpful.  Below are the five most-read articles from that site during 2022:
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Topics radio advertising, digital advertising, online advertising, advertising options, radio advetising, advertise in Detroit, internet, internet advertising, how to advertise, advertising in Detroit, 2022

Advertise In Detroit: Top 5 Articles From 2021

Nov 29, 2021 11:39:22 AM / by Larry Julius

Based on projections from the National Retail Federation (NRF), Southeast Michigan consumers are on track to spend $63-billion with retailers by the end of this year. This would be 13.5% higher than was spent in 2020.

To earn a significant share of these retail dollars, Detroit area business owners are expected to spend $1.6 billion to advertise by year's end, according to Borrell Associates. This company tracks advertising expenditures in local markets across the U.S.

To ensure they are spending their advertising and marketing dollars wisely, many Detroit business owners research how to best target prospective customers by using local media. An exceptional resource for local business owners to investigate the media habits of localconsumers is on the advice section of  

Here are the top five most-read articles on the site in 2021:

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Topics television advertising, radio advertising, best way to advertise, social media advertising, facebook advertising, newspaper advertising, online advertising, restaurant advertising, advertising options, advertise on radio, advertising reach, small business advertising, effective advertising, advertise on detroit radio, b2b advertising, advertising on radio, advertise in Detroit, employment advertising, internet advertising, how to advertise, advertising return on investment, advertising roi

Advertising On Detroit Radio: How Smart Speakers Add Value

Sep 28, 2021 12:19:50 PM / by Larry Julius

Since 1920 when WWJ-AM signed on, Southeast Michigan small business owners have been advertising on Detroit radio to market the goods and services they sell.

Lately, some of these advertisers are voicing concerns, though, that the accelerating use of smart speakers could erode the effectiveness of commercials on local stations. Current research, however, reveals that these devices actually extend the reach of the medium and its ad content.

More than 993,674 consumers in Detroit have a smart speaker in their homes, according to Nielsen. This is 30.4% of the local adult population.

Smart speakers are internet-enabled devices controlled by spoken commands and capable of streaming audio content, relaying information, and communicating with other devices. 

According to the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) data, Amazon Echo (aka Alexa) accounts for 69% of all smart speakers in use. Google's smart speaker makes up another 20% of the market. The remaining 11% of the market comprises Apple Home (aka Siri), Sonos, and Bose.

Detroit consumers can use their smart speakers to accomplish a diverse range of tasks, including accessing news, weather, and sports information; turning on lights in the house; shopping; and food delivery.

The most common use of a smart speaker, though, is streaming audio, including Detroit radio stations, according to eMarketer. Edison Research's Share of Ear Study indicates that consumers devote 13% of their total time using a smart speaker listening to AM/FM radio stations. This is second only to the time spent listening to Amazon Music at 19%.

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Topics small business, small business owner, radio advertising, online advertising, streaming audio, small business marketing, small business advertising, effective advertising, radio listening, smart speakers, amazon echo, google home, siri, alexa, google, how to advertise, apple

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