Advertise In Detroit: Top 5 Articles Of 2022
Dec 12, 2022 5:10:52 PM / by Larry Julius
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Topics radio advertising, digital advertising, online advertising, advertising options, radio advetising, advertise in Detroit, internet, internet advertising, how to advertise, advertising in Detroit, 2022
Holiday Spending In Detroit Will Top $13.0 Billion In 2022
Nov 10, 2022 2:57:10 PM / by Larry Julius
Economic concerns among Southeast Michigan area consumers are not expected to subdue holiday shopping in in 2022. Based on forecasts from The National Retail Federation, local shoppers are projected to spend at least $13.0 billion this year. This would be 6% more than was spent in 2021.
“While consumers are feeling the pressure of inflation and higher prices, and while there is continued stratification with consumer spending and behavior among households at different income levels, consumers remain resilient and continue to engage in commerce,” NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay said. “In the face of these challenges, many households will supplement spending with savings and credit to provide a cushion and result in a positive holiday season.”
The biggest challenge facing Detroit business owners is keeping holiday spending local. NRF expects 10-12% of purchases to happen online from retailers like Amazon and Walmart.
To lay claim to this expanding pool of holiday spending, and keep business local, small business owners will need advertising. By, most marketing metrics, the best way to advertise is on Detroit radio.
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Topics radio advertising, consumer spending, return on investment, ROI, radio advetising, advertise on radio, advertising reach, detroit radio, holiday advertising, christmas, holiday shopping, advertising return on investment, advertising roi
Detroit Consumers Still Spending Despite Economic Sentiment
Aug 8, 2022 9:43:15 AM / by Larry Julius
Local consumers may have a gloomy feeling about economic conditions, but their spending has not tapered. This is good news for the 158,041 small business owners in the Detroit area.
According to the latest University of Michigan's Survey of Consumers, sentiment about current economic conditions remains near the all-time low. Concerns about volatile gas prices, rampant inflation, and a looming recession have driven the survey's index down 37% versus a year ago.
Despite these dim consumer sentiments, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis's July report shows that real personal consumption expenditures are pacing well above pre-Covid levels. According to Morgan Stanley research, consumers' ability to spend is being driven, in part, by a massive amount of excess savings accumulated over the course of the pandemic.
Earlier this year, based on per capita spending data from the National Retail Federation (NRF). Detroit consumers were forecast to spend nearly $67.6 billion at retail this year. The current level of spending suggests that shoppers are on track to hit that number.
Of course, for local business owners to successfully compete for a share of this record spending requires marketing. By most key marketing metrics, the best way to advertise is on Detroit radio. This is especially true among business owners who must limit the number of marketing channels that can be used because of economic restraints.
Of all media, advertising on the radio provides the greatest return on investment.
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Topics radio advertising, best way to advertise, reach, consumer spending, reach and frequency, ROI, radio advetising, recession, advertising reach, advertise on detroit radio, consumer confidence, advertising roi, inflation
Advertising On Detroit Radio in 2022: Five Things to Know
Jul 20, 2022 9:33:10 AM / by Larry Julius
Southeast Michigan business owners have depended on Detroit radio to market their goods and services since WWJ, the city's first radio station, went on air in 1920. Despite the advent of new media and technologies since then, advertising on local radio stations is still the best way for the area's 158,041 small business owners to create and maintain customers.
Here are five facts every business owner should know about advertising on Detroit radio in 2022.
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Topics small business, small business owner, radio advertising, best way to advertise, radio advetising, advertise on radio, small business marketing, small business advertising, radio commercials, radio listening, detroit radio, advertise on detroit radio, advertising on radio, radio formats, car radio, who listens to Detroit Radio, radio recruitment, am/fm radio, online radio listening
Best Way To Fill Construction Job Openings In Detroit
Mar 1, 2022 11:15:41 AM / by Larry Julius
Construction companies in Southeast Michigan will need to recruit 8,982 blue-collar workers on top of the normal pace of hiring in 2022 to meet the demands of the current building market. These statistics are based on forecasts from Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. (ABC), an association comprised primarily of U.S. firms that work in industrial and commercial construction sectors.
"The construction industry desperately needs qualified, skilled craft professionals to build America," said Michael Bellaman, ABC president and CEO. "The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act passed in November and stimulus from COVID-19 relief will pump billions in new spending into our nation's most critical infrastructure, and qualified craft professionals are essential to efficiently modernize roads, bridges, energy production, and other projects across the country. More regulations and less worker freedom make it harder to fill these jobs."
The construction industry's appetite for new hires in the Detroit area will continue into 2023, according to ABC. It is expected that during that year, an additional 8,153 blue-collar workers in addition to the normal pace of hiring.
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Topics radio advertising, best way to advertise, Help Wanted, passive job seekers, online job sites, Recruitment, radio advetising, blue collar, indeed,, job boards, active job seekers, zip recruiter, construction, radio recruitment, hire qualified candidates
Advertise On Detroit Radio? 5 Things Business Owners Get Wrong
Dec 30, 2021 1:57:15 PM / by Larry Julius
To ensure success, every Southeast Michigan business owner needs to advertise.
"Think you have a great product?" asks the US Small Business Administration. "Unfortunately, no one’s going to know about it unless you advertise.”
The SBA goes on to say, “Advertising, if done correctly, can do wonders for your product sales, and you know what that means: more revenue and more success for your business.”
There are dozens of ways for local small business owners to advertise. By most metrics, the best way to advertise is on Detroit radio. These measures of effectiveness, however, are often obscured by the glimmer and glitz of newer technologies.
To help reduce the glare that often blinds business owners to the potency of advertising on Detroit radio, here are the top five things many local business owners get wrong.
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Topics radio advertising, radio advetising, advertise on radio, radio commercials, radio history, radio listening, detroit radio, advertise on detroit radio, advertising on radio, radio formats, car radio, who listens to Detroit Radio
Who's Spending Now? Detroit Small Business Owners Ask.
Dec 4, 2020 2:58:38 PM / by Larry Julius
There are 990,800 adults in Metro Detroit who have earned a four-year college or postgraduate degree, according to research from Nielsen. A study from the Federal Reserve indicates that these educated consumers have been least affected by the economic consequences of the pandemic.
"While the labor market disruptions have affected workers in a wide set of industries and occupations, those without a college degree have experienced the most severe impact," say Mary C. Daly, Shelby R. Buckman, and Lily M. Seitelman authors of The Unequal Impact of COVID-19 in the Economic Letter published by the Federal Reserve of San Francisco.
Although the unemployment rate increased among consumers of every education level in late March when the Governor of Michigan lockdown the state to slow the spread of the Coronavirus, the smallest increase was among those with bachelor or postgraduate degrees, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Seven months later, job recovery among those with college degrees is closer to pre-pandemic levels than consumers with lower levels of educational attainment.
Many small business owners have seen the correlation between advertising and survival during the economic crisis inflicted by the pandemic. With precious few dollars to invest, it is crucial that every advertisement reaches consumers who have disposable income to buy. Right now, the most likely spenders are customers with college degrees.
By key advertising metrics, the best way to reach consumers with higher education is on Detroit radio.
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Topics small business, small business owner, radio advertising, best way to advertise, radio advetising, advertise on radio, small business marketing, small business advertising, radio commercials, radio listening, detroit radio, advertise on detroit radio, advertising on radio, college graduates
Why Detroit Banks & Credit Unions Need To Advertise Now
Jun 30, 2020 7:35:14 AM / by Larry Julius
Based on statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, before the COVID-19 crisis, Southeast Michigan households were putting more than $10.7 billion in the bank every year.
Since February, however, Metro Detroit banks and credit unions noticed that customers' savings accounts were beginning to swell to record levels.
According to the Federal Reserve, for many years, the personal savings rate has hovered well below 10%. The PSR is the percentage of personal disposable income that remains after taxes and all other spending.
In April of this year, the PSR hit an all-time high of 33%. The rate remained at stratospheric levels in May, as well. The previous record high was 17.3% in September of 1975 at the tail-end of a deep recession.
There are more than 3348 banks and credit unions in Michigan who would love to earn a large share of this infusion of new savings. To compete, though, requires advertising. By almost any metric, the best way to reach new depositors is by advertising on Detroit radio.
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Topics small business, small business owner, radio advertising, best way to advertise, radio advetising, advertise on radio, banks, credit unions, certificates of deposit, savings accounts
Who'll Be Buying When Detroit Small Businesses Reopen?
May 19, 2020 7:16:00 AM / by Larry Julius
To slow the spread of COVID-19, the Governor of Michigan shut down all but the most essential businesses in the state on March 23. This public safety measure inflicted a severe disruption to Metro Detroit's $78.3 billion retail economy.
As local small business owners prepare to reopen, each must concentrate on supercharging their cash flows to compensate for weeks of consumer abstinence. Turning the lights back on and hanging out a welcome sign might not be enough, though, to bring even the most loyal customers back.
Some customers may not return because of personal safety concerns. Other customers may have discovered alternative sources to purchase goods and services.
But, there is one thing every Southeast Michigan small business owner can be assured of. Consumers will not return if they aren't aware that a business has reopened.
Advertising is a potent tactic for any Detroit small business that needs to reintroduce itself to local consumers.
“Think you have a great product?” asks the U.S. Small Business Administration. “Unfortunately, no one’s going to know about it unless you advertise.”
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Topics small business, small business owner, best way to advertise, retail, radio advetising, store traffic, retailer, retail sales, retail store, corona, coronavirus, covid 19, crisis marketing, reopen
Web Traffic Is Soaring For Detroit Small Business Owners
Apr 24, 2020 11:15:30 AM / by Larry Julius
Since the onset of the Coronavirus crisis, consumers are not flocking into the showrooms, storefronts, offices, or dining rooms of Southeast Michigan small business owners. It turns out, though, social distancing has not proven to be an impediment to shopping.
Metro Detroit consumers are still spending money despite the chaos imposed by the pandemic, according to Gordon Borrell, CEO of Borrell & Associates. His company specializes in the collection of marketing data from business owners across the country.
"During depressions, recessions, floods, hurricane, earthquakes, fires, and, now, pandemics, commerce goes on," Mr. Borell told members of Detroit's small business community during a recent teleconference.
To prove his point, he shared research from IBISworld which, indicates spending continues despite a plunge in consumer confidence.
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Topics small business, small business owner, consumer spending, online advertising, radio advetising, corona, coronavirus, covid 19, attribution, web traffic, website visitor, e-commerce