
What Detroit Consumers Need To Know Now About Your Small Business

Aug 12, 2020 7:45:34 AM / by Larry Julius

Advertise On Detroit Radio MessageThere is good news for Metro Detroit retailers and restaurants.

As a result of the pandemic, one-third of consumers indicate they will pay a premium for local brands and products, according to a recent study by Ernst & Young

However, before consumers will buy from a local business in Dearborn, St. Clair Shores, Farmington Hills, or any town in-between, they must know they can do so without risking their health.

Advertising is the only practical way to let Southeast Michigan shoppers and diners know about the precautions and practices your small business has taken to reduce potential health threats.

Of paramount concern to many shoppers is how they can buy local without having to come face-to-face with your employees and other customers.

Elaine Pofeldt, a senior contributor to Forbes, cited a study this week  that found 48% of consumers will not shop at a business that requires physical contact with a cashier or shared credit card device. Shoppers and diners now prefer to use contactless payment methods. It is essential, then, that your advertising highlights alternative payment options.

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It is also important for Detroit small business owners to highlight alternative pick-up, ordering, and delivery options in all as well.

According to the study quoted in Forbes, shoppers and diners want to buy local without having to go inside the business. Since the start of the pandemic, 34% of consumers have been using curbside pick-up. Also, 25% of shoppers have been making purchases  online and then picking-up at an area store.

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Another study conducted by Elevate | SmithGeiger echos the finding of the study quoted in Forbes.

According to Elevate, as the pandemic winds down, consumers no longer want to hear that "we are all in this together" or "living in uncertain times". They want, instead, local businesses to educate them about:

  • Special deals
  • Buyer safety
  • Online buying options
  • Financing opportunities

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Topics: small business, small business owner, best way to advertise, restaurant marketing, restaurant advertising, retail, retailer, retail sales, retail store, restaurants, writing a commercial, small business marketing, small business advertising, effective advertising

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