
Smart Speaker Usage in Detroit: A Conversation With Alexa

Jun 23, 2022 12:34:27 PM / by Larry Julius

Me: Alexa, how many consumers In Southeast Michigan have access to a smart speaker?

Alexa: According to a recent Nielsen study, 997,807 Detroit adults own a smart speaker. This is 28.4% of the local population.*

Me: Alexa, what exactly is a smart speaker?

Alexa: According to Wikipedia, A smart speaker is a type of loudspeaker and voice command device with an integrated virtual assistant that offers interactive actions and hands-free activation with the help of one "hot word" (or several "hot words"). Some smart speakers can also act as a smart device that utilizes Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other protocol standards to extend usage beyond audio playback, such as to control home automation devices. This can include, but is not limited to, features such as compatibility across a number of services and platforms, peer-to-peer connection through mesh networking, virtual assistants, and others. Each can have its own designated interface and features in-house, usually launched or controlled via application or home automation software. Some smart speakers also include a screen to show the user a visual response.

Me: Alexa, what brand of smart speakers are Detroit consumers likely to own?

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Topics smart speakers, amazon echo, google home, siri, alexa, google, advertise in Detroit, apple, amazon, advertising in Detroit

Who Listens To Podcasts in Detroit?

Oct 11, 2021 7:10:00 AM / by Larry Julius

According to Nielsen, 866,403 Southeast Michigan consumers listened to or downloaded a podcast during the past 30 days. This is 24.7% of the adult population.

A podcast is a downloadable digital audio file available to listeners on an internet-connected device like a smartphone, tablet, or computer. These files are typically part of series focusing on a particular theme such as true crime, professional football, politics, or pop culture.

Detroit consumers can listen to their favorite podcasts whenever they choose using apps like Spotify, Pandora, Google, and Stitcher. The most used podcasting app, though, is Apple Podcasts.

Research from indicates that Detroit consumers can access more than 2,000,000 podcast series comprising over 48,000,000 unique episodes. According to data compiled by Edison research, the top 10 podcasts during the second quarter of 2021 were:

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Advertising On Detroit Radio: How Smart Speakers Add Value

Sep 28, 2021 12:19:50 PM / by Larry Julius

Since 1920 when WWJ-AM signed on, Southeast Michigan small business owners have been advertising on Detroit radio to market the goods and services they sell.

Lately, some of these advertisers are voicing concerns, though, that the accelerating use of smart speakers could erode the effectiveness of commercials on local stations. Current research, however, reveals that these devices actually extend the reach of the medium and its ad content.

More than 993,674 consumers in Detroit have a smart speaker in their homes, according to Nielsen. This is 30.4% of the local adult population.

Smart speakers are internet-enabled devices controlled by spoken commands and capable of streaming audio content, relaying information, and communicating with other devices. 

According to the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) data, Amazon Echo (aka Alexa) accounts for 69% of all smart speakers in use. Google's smart speaker makes up another 20% of the market. The remaining 11% of the market comprises Apple Home (aka Siri), Sonos, and Bose.

Detroit consumers can use their smart speakers to accomplish a diverse range of tasks, including accessing news, weather, and sports information; turning on lights in the house; shopping; and food delivery.

The most common use of a smart speaker, though, is streaming audio, including Detroit radio stations, according to eMarketer. Edison Research's Share of Ear Study indicates that consumers devote 13% of their total time using a smart speaker listening to AM/FM radio stations. This is second only to the time spent listening to Amazon Music at 19%.

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Topics small business, small business owner, radio advertising, online advertising, streaming audio, small business marketing, small business advertising, effective advertising, radio listening, smart speakers, amazon echo, google home, siri, alexa, google, how to advertise, apple

Who Listens To Detroit Radio Stations Online?

Aug 27, 2021 12:31:38 PM / by Larry Julius

When Detroit's first radio station, 8MK (now, WWJ), began broadcasting on August 20, 1920, the station needed a tall antenna and lots of buried copper cable to transmit its signal.  Radio receivers at the time were mostly homemade and involved a piece of crystalline mineral and a wire coil.

Over many decades in Detroit, both the broadcasting and receiving equipment improved. In the mid-1920s this meant store-bought radios. In the 1930s this meant car radios. In the 1960s this meant transistor radios. In the 1970s this meant boom boxes. And, in the 1980s this meant Walkmen. But, despite these improvements, the fundamental technology of big towers sending a signal through the air to a radio receiver remained the same.

In 1994, there was a new way for Detroit consumers to listen to the radio. That was the year local stations across the country began streaming their signals over the internet and listeners could use their computers (later their smartphones and smart speakers) as receiving devices. No big antennas, no wires, and no actual radio needed.

In 2021, according to Nielsen, Detroit radio reaches more local consumers than any other advertising media option.

Neilsen finds, too, that 30.2% of all consumers who listen to a Detroit radio station over-the-air will, at some point during the month, also connect to a local station via the internet. 

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Topics radio advertising, best way to advertise, online advertising, advertising options, streaming audio, smart speakers, internet

How Smart Speakers Affect Advertising On Detroit Radio

Feb 4, 2021 1:42:15 PM / by Larry Julius

Detroit's first radio station, WWJ-AM, began broadcasting on September 15, 1920.  The process of getting the station's programming from the studio into the home of local listeners required tall-transmitting towers with miles of underground copper wire in the middle of massive fields.

For the next 73 years, this massive investment in real estate, steel, and cooper was the only method of delivering a radio advertiser's message into the ears of Southeast Michigan consumers.

In 1993, however, new technology permitted Metro Detroit radio stations to augment the reach of their tall towers by simultaneously streaming its over-the-air programming via the internet. This provided local consumers with the choice of listening to their favorite stations on their car radios, clock radios, and boom boxes or on an internet connected devices like computers, smartphones, or tablets.

Today, based on estimates from Edison Research, 11% of listening to local radio stations occurs on a streaming media device.  The ability for AM/FM to migrate from their tall towers to internet streaming allows Detroit radio to reach more local consumers every week than all other media.

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Topics small business, small business owner, best way to advertise, streaming audio, small business marketing, small business advertising, advertise on detroit radio, smart speakers, amazon echo, google home, siri, alexa, google

Detroit Radio: Which Stations Do Local Consumers Prefer?

Jan 25, 2021 1:31:54 PM / by Larry Julius

There are 33 radio stations in Southeast Michigan. Each provides a unique format of news, sports, music, entertainment, and inspiration. Some stations broadcast in English. Others serve Spanish speakers. Some stations cater to millennials. Others appeal to Baby Boomers.  No doubt, there is a local radio station that fulfills the preferences of every listener.

Each week, according to Nielsen, 3.1 million adults tune-in to their favorite Detroit radio stations. This is more people than watch local TV, cable, or streaming channels. This is more than use Facebook and Instagram. This is more than read newspapers or connect to Pandora and Spotify. 

Despite the abundance of Detroit radio stations to choose between, Nielsen reports that, on average, adult consumers only listen to three each week.  So, which stations do local consumers choose?

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Topics millennials, radio advertising, streaming audio, radio commercials, millennial parents, radio listening, listening location, smart speakers, radio formats

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